Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich)
Bachlors of Engineering
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Vishwabharati Academy’s college of Engineering has started unique industry oriented Mechanical Sandwich undergraduate program in 2010, under Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
This four year course is divided into two parts. First part contains three year academics and second part contains industrial training. In trainging period students are working under the guidance of industrial exerts keeping touch with academics.
Since the inception of Mechanical Sandwich branch, it has been actively involved in imparting quality education to the students. The Department has highly qualified Committed and Motivated faculty members. It has well equipped l spacious Laboratories and other Infrastructure facilities to cater the needs of budding Mechanical sandwich Engineering Graduates.
Empowering rural youth through very high standards quality education.
Strive continuously to impart knowledge and skills of the highest standards. Our engineers will respond to the current and future needs of the industry in various fields.