Computer Engineering
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It is with great pleasure and honor that I present the syllabus for Master of Computer
Engineering (2017 Course) on behalf of Board of Studies (BoS), Computer Engineering.
We, members of BoS are giving our best to streamline the processes and curricula design. While revising syllabus, honest and sincere efforts are put to tune curriculum for post graduate program in Computer Engineering in tandem with the objectives of Higher Education of India, AICTE, UGC and affiliated University- Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) by keeping an eye on the technological advancements and industrial requirements globally.
The basic motives of designing the contents of various courses is to focus on independent learning convergence to special domains, development of research attitude and comprehensive coverage of technologies. Elective courses with choice for module selection provide flexibility and opportunity to explore the domain specific knowledge. The open elective is to invite the attention to multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, exotic, employability or update to technology course. The institute may design the syllabus accordingly. However such designed syllabus needs to be approved by SPPU authority before implementation.
While framing each course contents, Course advisor, Course Coordinators and Team Members have put arduous efforts in meeting the standards of the Courses at PG level. Everybody in the team has meticulously stuck to the guidelines and recommendations to materialize the team efforts. The fruition is only due to sincere efforts, active participation, expert opinions and suggestions from domain professionals.
I am sincerely indebted to all the minds and hands who work dexterously and synchronously to materialize the huge task.