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In Our Electrical Engineering is a branch of engineering that studies about the production and uses of Electric power, its generation and distribution and the control of machines. The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. It now covers a range of subtopics including power system, Power electronics, control systems, signal processing and Electrical Machines. All major companies of public and private sector such as Electricity Boards, Large Scale Industries, Manufacturing Plants, Power Corporations, Hydro-Electricity sector are continuously in need of Electrical Engineers for their projects. The main objective of our course is to groom the students in such a way so that they can act as supervisors in the above mentioned industries. A good industry exposure is provided by placement of students in different companies during vacations.
Developing Electrical Engineers for changing scenario of industrial context.
To provide quality technical education through modern methods in teaching learning that emphasizes engineering skills and multidisciplinary approaches. To accept the challenges of modern science and technology, through continuous improvement in teaching methodologies, which enable students to get knowledge of Electrical Engineering. To achieve faculty development through continuous improvement and training.